Biofertilizers - Field Trials

The following are field trial summaries and pictures from farmers that have used CBC Biofertilizers.



Mr. Chang have had 20 years of experience in growing grapes in Taiwan. After switching to the CBC Forgreen products, he was highly satisfied. The biofertilizers help the synchronization of the flowering and germination. They also accelerate the growth rate, making the grapes more juicy, sweeter and brighter in color.

These are the grapes that were grown with Forgreen.The large size speaks for the efficacy of the biofertilizers.
The grape vines with Forgreen were strong,flexible and dense.
Another view of the grape vine grown with Forgreen.
The grape vines grown with Forgreen had thicker and larger leaves.
The vineyard without using Forgreen (the control) had a low density of vines and quality of the vines are worlds apart from that with the u and leaves. se of Forgreen.
Another view of the graph vine grown without Forgreen.


Mr. Huang runs an organic farm, which uses Forgreen-BS, Forgreen-N, Forgreen-A. Before he started with Forgreen products, the farm business was making losses. Our biofertilizers increased the farm's productivity and efficiency. Forgreen increased the juiciness and sweetness of the fruits.

The Dragon Fruits grown with CBC's Biofertilizers are large in size, sweet and juicy.


The following are roses grew by Garden Party with CBC Biofertilizers. Special thanks to S. P. Peng and A-Ha for providing the pictures.

[Click each image to view it larger]


Mr. Cheng have had 4-5 years of experience in growing Lemons in Taiwan. He applied Forgreen-S (800-1000x) once every 10-15 days, two months before the flower season. As a result, there were less lemon mutations, less falling flower and fruit; this increased the farm's productivity. If one applies Forgreen-N while the lemon tree is still young, it would improve the pest control and increase the lemon size.



Mr. Chang grows star fruits in Taiwan. After using the Forgreen products, the star fruits were bigger, there were less mutated fruits, the productivity increased by 30%, the fruits were sweeter and brighter in color.

The star fruits turned out brighter in color and sweeter in taste.
Using Forgreen increases the productivity of the farm.

Fertilization in Tea Gardens

Mr. Chen has been cultivating tea trees for over five years. Generally, he uses a combination of organic and chemical fertilizers. The application is divided into five stages, and the results have been excellent. The soil properties of the hillside have improved, with stronger root systems, more robust plants, thicker and deeper green tea leaves, increased yield, and enhanced tea quality.

Fertilization of Oranges and Pomelos

Mr. Cai cultivates oranges and pomelos in the mountainous region. Generally, the conditions in the mountains differ significantly from those in flatlands. The soil in the mountains is relatively poor, and the climate is characterized by heavy rainfall and a dry season with water scarcity. As a result, the yield is not very ideal. To address these issues, Mr. Cai followed advice and used Janen organic fertilizers to adjust and overcome the challenges. After using the fertilizer, not only did the yield increase and the fruit size grow, but the sweetness also improved significantly.

Wax Apple

Due to the low flowering rate in Pingtung, it is recommended to use Fulu Green Mei and Fulu Jing, diluted 1000 times, to induce flowering. The results after using these products are very good. Each product alone works quite well, but combining them can further enhance the fruit setting rate and final results. For basal fertilization, applying an appropriate amount of Fulu Da Di is sufficient.

Ginger and Cabbage

Originally, chicken manure was used as the basal fertilizer, costing approximately ten thousand dollars per acre. However, using Forgreen-LD as the basal fertilizer requires only two bags for the same area. After application, the incidence of ginger diseases such as wilt and soft rot decreased, and the young cabbage plants showed stronger growth with a significant reduction in black rot.

Growing Watermelons

Using Forgreen-LD as the basal fertilizer can effectively overcome continuous cropping barriers. Even after planting seven times, the plants continue to grow very well.